Hispanic Consumers & Mobile
PWC (PriceWaterhouseCoopers if you're old enough) just released a study entitled "Mi Móvil: Hispanic consumers embrace mobile technology." They're a former client of ours - we created a video aimed at both personnel and clients, that helped them explain their inductive-reasoning approach to strategic consulting. So we keep an eye on what they publish. Smart company!
But I digress.
Hispanic-Americans are the fastest-growing minority in the US, and as mentioned elsewhere, a powerful force in real estate.
This PWC study is based on a recent nationwide survey of 500 Hispanics and 500 non-Hispanics, age 18-65, augmented by focus groups and social media "listening campaign."
My cherry-pick of the relevant stuff:
- Hispanic consumers use their mobile devices more.
- They perceive themselves as inherently more mobile
- Entertainment matters, including Spanish language as-desired
- Access to critical information is key
- "They tend to use Internet and social media information more often than non-Hispanics"
- They share significant concerns about sharing personal information
- And "Hispanic consumers both stream and download video content to a greater degree than non-Hispanics."
Wow. That's a big difference in video habits.
Candidly, at times I thought everyone else in the company here figured my interest in captioning our videos in other languages - starting with Spanish - was a little Quixotic. (Don who??) Piffle.
Look at the demographics. I realize Hispanic ≠ Spanish-speaking - duh. But nobody should be excluded from decisions as big as housing because of language barriers.
We designed our video library with mobile in mind - the visuals, sound and length are tailored to suit consumer preferences for mobile-video viewing. (And our awesome video platform, Wistia, plays them beautifully on every mobile platform we've tested.)
From http://www.pwc.com/us/en/industry/entertainment-media/publications/consumer-intelligence-series/assets/pwc-consumer-intelligence-series-hispanic-consumers-mobile-technology.pdf
If your market includes Hispanic-Americans, take a long look at how you're meeting their needs as customers. And let us know if we can help.